Welcome to Seamless Dining Payments
Experience dining like never before with our innovative QR code payment system. Say goodbye to waiting for the check and hello to effortless payments at your favorite restaurants.

Our Features


Effortless Table Turnover

Accelerate table turnover rates for increased customer flow and improved service efficiency.


Maximize Tip Potential

Enhance staff earnings by providing customizable tipping options, fostering greater appreciation for exceptional service.


Instant, Reliable Payments

Ensure swift and secure transactions, instilling confidence in both customers and staff with every transaction.


No App, No Fuss

Simplify the payment process with no app downloads, offering a hassle-free experience for all patrons.


Streamlined Review Process

Encourage customer feedback effortlessly with built-in review options, fostering transparency and continuous improvement.


Comprehensive Admin Panel

Empower restaurant management with a robust admin panel, offering comprehensive insights into payments, transactions, and customizable reports.

Trusted by more than +100 companies
About Us

About cirropay

Welcome to cirropay, where technology meets hospitality. As a premier provider of innovative software solutions for the hospitality industry, we empower businesses of all sizes to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.

Our Journey

Established in 2023, cirropay was founded with a vision to revolutionize the way businesses in the hospitality sector operate. Since then, we’ve been committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of our diverse clientele.

Our Mission

At cirropay, our mission is clear: to empower businesses in the hospitality industry with powerful software solutions that drive efficiency, increase profitability, and elevate customer satisfaction. We’re dedicated to providing our clients with the tools they need to succeed in today’s competitive market.

How it Works

Follow our steps we will help you.

  • 1

    Scan the QR Code

    Start by scanning the QR code using your smartphone or tablet. The QR code is conveniently placed at your table or checkout counter, allowing for quick and easy access to our software platform.

  • 2

    Review Your Bill

    Once you've scanned the QR code, you'll be directed to our user-friendly interface. Here, you can review your bill in detail, including items ordered, quantities, and total amount due. Take your time to ensure everything looks correct before proceeding.

  • 3

    Choose Your Payment Option

    Next, select your preferred payment option. You have several choices: Pay Full Amount Split the Bill

  • 4

    Customize Your Payment (Pay Full Amount)

    If you choose to pay the full amount, you can further customize your payment: Add a Tip: Choose either a custom tip amount or a percentage based on your satisfaction.

  • 5

    Customize Your Payment (Split the Bill)

    If you choose to split the bill, you have two options: Custom Amount: Enter the amount you'd like to pay, and optionally add a tip. Divide Equally: Specify the number of splits, and our system will divide the bill evenly among the participants.

  • 6

    Complete Your Payment

    Once you've reviewed and customized your payment, simply click the "Pay Now" button to proceed. Our secure payment gateway ensures that your sensitive information is protected throughout the process. Choose from multiple payment options, including: Apple Pay Google Pay Card Payments (Credit/Debit)

  • 7


    Congratulations! Your payment has been successfully processed. You'll receive a confirmation message confirming the details of your transaction. Feel free to leave any feedback or reviews about your experience as we're always striving to improve.


Discover What Our Clients Are Saying

Implementing the QR code payment system has been a game-changer for us . Our customers appreciate the convenience of settling their bills quickly, which has led to improved table turnover and increased revenue. The customizable tipping options have also boosted staff morale and earnings. It's a win-win for both our customers and our team.
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We pride ourselves on providing exceptional service, and the QR code payment system has helped us take our customer experience to the next level. Our guests love the simplicity and speed of the payment process, and the ability to leave reviews directly from their phones has been fantastic for our online reputation. It's truly transformed the way we do business.
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Lorem Ipsum
Since integrating the QR code payment system into our café, we've seen a significant improvement in efficiency and customer satisfaction. The ability to split bills and customize tips has been a hit with our patrons, and the seamless integration with our existing POS system has made managing payments a breeze. Plus, the detailed reports provided by the admin panel have been invaluable for tracking our financial performance.
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Lorem Ipsum
I'm constantly looking for ways to enhance the dining experience for our customers. The QR code payment system has been a game-changer in this regard. Not only does it streamline the payment process, but it also allows us to collect valuable feedback from our guests in real-time. The admin panel provides insights that help us make informed decisions to better serve our customers. It's been a win-win for everyone involved.
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Lorem Ipsum

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